Getting the Spark-Riak Connector Add-on (Riak TS)


Please be sure to check the lastest release version by going to

If you are using Scala or Java, the best way to get the Spark-Riak connector library to use with your project is to have SBT or Maven download the library at build time. This can be done by including the coordinates of the Spark-Riak connector library in the your build.sbt or pom.xml file. You can also manually download the Spark-Riak connector library before build time and include it in a local repository.

If you are using Python, the best way to get the Spark-Riak connector is to download the library and include its location in the Spark classpath when submitting your project to Spark.

An alternative way to get the Spark-Riak connector library for Scala, Java, and Python is to include the Spark-Riak connector library in the packages option when submitting your app to Spark. The Spark-Riak connector will automatically be downloaded from


To add the Spark-Riak connector to your Scala project, add the following to your build.sbt file:

resolvers += "Basho Bintray Repo" at ""

libraryDependencies +=  "com.basho.riak" % "spark-riak-connector" % "$version" classifier "uber"
          exclude("org.apache.spark", "spark-core")
          exclude("org.apache.spark", "spark-sql")


To add the Spark-Riak connector to your Java project, add the following to your pom.xml file:




You can download the Spark-Riak connector library by going to and clicking on the latest release jar file.

You can also download and install the library in your home directory by running:

curl»VERSION«/spark-riak-connector-»VERSION«-uber.jar \
                    -o ~/spark-riak-connector-»VERSION«-uber.jar

Once you’ve downloaded the connector, you can add it to the driver classpath when submitting your Python app to Spark, like this:

/path/to/spark-submit \
    --master "local[*]" \
    --driver-class-path /path/to/spark-riak-connector-»VERSION«-uber.jar \

Alternative (Scala, Python, Java)

As an alternative, you can have Spark automatically download it when starting up the Spark shell as show by the following:

For Scala, Python, & Java:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--repositories \
--packages com.basho.riak:spark-riak-connector:»VERSION«

Alternative for Scala:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell \
--repositories \
--packages com.basho.riak:spark-riak-connector:»VERSION«

Alternative for Python:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/pyspark \
--repositories \
--packages com.basho.riak:spark-riak-connector:»VERSION«