Downgrading Riak TS

Downgrades of Riak TS are tested and supported for two feature release versions, with the general procedure similar to a rolling upgrade.


The following example demonstrates downgrading a Riak TS node that has been installed with the Debian/Ubuntu packages provided by Basho. You should perform the following actions on each node:

1. Stop Riak TS:

riak stop

2. Back up the Riak TS node’s /etc and /data directories:

sudo tar -czf riak_backup.tar.gz /var/lib/riak /etc/riak

3. Downgrade Riak TS:

sudo dpkg -i »riakts_package_name«.deb

4. Restart Riak TS:

riak start

5. Verify Riak TS is running the downgraded version:

riak version

6. Wait for the riak_ts service to start:

riak-admin wait-for-service riak_ts »target node«
  • »target node« is the node which you have just downgraded (e.g. riak@

7. Repeat the process for the remaining nodes in the cluster.


The following example demonstrates downgrading a Riak TS node that has been installed with the RHEL/CentOS packages provided by Basho.

1. Stop Riak TS:

riak stop

2. Back up Riak TS’s /etc and /data directories:

sudo tar -czf riak_backup.tar.gz /var/lib/riak /etc/riak

3. Downgrade Riak TS:

sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage »riakts_package_name«.rpm

4. Restart Riak TS:

riak start

5. Verify that Riak TS is running the downgraded version:

riak version

6. Wait for the riak_ts service to start:

riak-admin wait-for-service riak_ts »target node«
  • »target node« is the node which you have just downgraded (e.g. riak@

7. Repeat the process for the remaining nodes in the cluster.

Change riak.conf For Downgrade

If you freshly installed Riak TS 1.4.0 and did NOT upgrade from 1.3.1, and then choose to downgrade to 1.3.1, you will need to change your riak.conf to preserve your configuration settings. Three TS-specific configuration parameters have been changed when defining riak.conf:

1.4.0 Name 1.3.1 Name
riak_kv.query.timeseries.timeout timeseries_query_timeout_ms
riak_kv.query.timeseries.max_quanta_span timeseries_query_max_quanta_span
riak_kv.query.timeseries.max_concurrent_queries timeseries_max_concurrent_queries

So, for example, the riak_kv.query.timeseries.timeout parameter would be changed to timeseries_query_timeout_ms.

Basho Patches

After downgrading, you should ensure that any custom patches contained in the basho-patches directory are examined to determine their application to the downgraded version. If you find that patches no longer apply to the downgraded version, you should remove them from the basho-patches directory prior to operating the node in production.

The following lists locations of the basho-patches directory for each supported operating system:

  • CentOS & RHEL Linux: /usr/lib64/riak/lib/basho-patches
  • Debian & Ubuntu Linux: /usr/lib/riak/lib/basho-patches