Java Client API

You can develop applications and tools using Riak TS with the Riak Java client. This document covers the Java API for Riak TS.


There are two packages that cover the public API for TS in the Java client:

  1. The com.basho.riak.client.api.commands.timeseries package contains executable commands, and
  2. the com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries package contains the common data types.
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Data Types

  • Cell - Holds a single piece of data.
  • Row - Holds a collection of Cells.
  • ColumnDescription - A metadata description of a column in a Riak TS table.
  • QueryResult - Holds a result set from a query, key list, or fetch command.

Data Type Details


A cell contains a piece of data for a row in a Riak TS table.

Note: Cells are immutable once created.

A cell can hold 5 different types of raw data:

  • Varchar - byte arrays commonly used to store encoded strings.
  • SInt64 - any signed 64-bit integers.
  • Double - any 64-bit floating point numbers.
  • Timestamp - any Unix epoch timestamp; millisecond resolution is required.
  • Boolean - a true/false value.

Cell constructors accept: strings (Varchar), longs (SInt64), double (Double), boolean (Boolean), calendar (Timestamp), and date (Timestamp).

  • public Cell(String varcharValue)
  • public Cell(long sint64Value)
  • public Cell(double doubleValue)
  • public Cell(boolean booleanValue)
  • public Cell(Calendar timestampValue)
  • public Cell(Date timestampValue)

There is also a special static helper for creating cells with raw timestamps.

  • public static Cell newTimestamp(long value)
Instance Methods

Each data type has the following methods: has_X and get_X.


A row contains a collection of cells.

Note: Rows are immutable once created.

  • public Row(Collection<Cell> cells)
  • public Row(Cell... cells)
Instance Methods
  • int getCellsCount() - Gets the total count of all cells in this row.
  • List<Cell> getCellsCopy() - Returns a shallow copy of the immutable cell collection.
  • Iterator<Cell> iterator() - Returns an iterator to the immutable cell collection.


The column description is a metadata description of a column in a Riak TS table, and contains both a column name and type.

  • ColumnDescription(String name, ColumnType type)
Instance Methods
  • string getName() - Returns the name of the column.
  • ColumnType getType() - Returns the type of the column.
  • ColumnType - Holds an enumeration of all the column types.
public enum ColumnType


The query result is the result set from a query, key list, or fetch command.

Note: Query results are immutable.


There are no constructors for QueryResult.

Instance Methods
  • List<ColumnDescription> getColumnDescriptionsCopy() - Returns a deep copy of the query result’s column descriptions (if any).
  • int getRowCount() - Gets the total count of all rows in this result.
  • List<Row> getRowsCopy() - Returns a shallow copy of the immutable row collection.
  • Iterator<Row> iterator() - Returns an iterator to the immutable row collection.

Command Classes Index

All command classes have a static inner Builder class to create and build each command.

  • Delete - Deletes a single row by it’s key values.
  • Fetch - Fetches a single row by it’s key values.
  • Query - Allows you to query a Riak TS table with the given query string.
  • Store - Stores data in the Riak TS table.
  • ListKeys - Lists the primary keys of all the rows in a Riak TS table.

Warning: ListKeys is a very expensive operation.

Command Class Details

Each command is created through a static Builder subclass. This pattern ensures the commands are created as correctly as possible. To create the command from the builder, call the .build() method.

To execute any command, you must have an instance of a RiakClient object. You then pass the command object as a parameter into the execute() or executeAsync() methods.

RiakClient client = RiakClient.newClient(10017, "");

String queryText = "select weather, temperature from GeoCheckin " +
                   "where time > 1234560 and time < 1234569 and " +
                   "myfamily = 'family1' and myseries = 'series1'";

Query query = new Query.Builder(queryText).build();

// With the synchronous execute, any errors encountered will be thrown.
QueryResult queryResult = client.execute(query);

// With the executeAsync method, any errors will be stored for review.
final RiakFuture<QueryResult, String> queryFuture = client.executeAsync(storeCmd);
bool success = queryFuture.isSuccess();
QueryResult result = queryFuture.get();
Throwable error = queryFuture.cause();


Deletes a single row by it’s key values.


The builder for Delete takes the table name and a list of cells that identify the primary key. The order of the cells must match the order of the values in the primary key.

  • public Builder(String tableName, List<Cell> keyValues)

There is also an instance method to specify a command timeout in milliseconds:

  • public Builder withTimeout(int timeout)
Return Value
  • void


Fetches a single row by it’s key values.


The builder for Fetch takes the table name and a list of cells that identify the primary key. The order of the cells must match the order of the values in the primary key.

  • public Builder(String tableName, List<Cell> keyValues)

There is also an instance method to specify a command timeout in milliseconds:

  • public Builder withTimeout(int timeout)
Return Value
  • QueryResult - 1 row if a match was found; 0 rows if no match was found.


Lists the primary keys of all the rows in a Riak TS table.


The builder only takes the table name to list keys from:

  • public Builder(String tableName)

There is also an instance method to specify a command timeout in milliseconds:

  • public Builder withTimeout(int timeout)
Return Value
  • QueryResult - each primary key’s cells as a row. May not contain values for column descriptions.


Allows you to query a Riak TS table with the given query string.


The builder only takes the query text:

  • public Builder(String queryText)
Return Value
  • QueryResult - contains all matching rows.


Stores data in the Riak TS table.


The builder constructor takes the table name:

  • public Builder(String tableName)

To add rows to store, use one of the withRow() or withRows() methods:

  • public Builder withRow(Row row)
  • public Builder withRows(Collection<Row> rows)
Return Value
  • void