Fog on Riak CS

Fog is a general cloud services library written in Ruby. It is built to support as many cloud providers as possible, ranging from most AWS services to Rackspace, Linode, Joyent, and beyond, and this includes an extension for Riak CS.

You can install it via RubyGems:

gem install fog

Or using Bundler:

gem "fog", "~> 1.10.1"

User Management

The first thing that needs to be done when using Fog is creating a new user. Before you can do that, however, you must create connections to your Riak CS server to handle communication to different services.


First, create a new instance of the provisioning object (capitalized constants are to be set by you).

client =
  :riakcs_access_key_id     => RIAK_CS_ADMIN_KEY,
  :riakcs_secret_access_key => RIAK_CS_ADMIN_SECRET,
  :host                     => RIAK_CS_HOST,
  :port                     => RIAK_CS_PORT

Create User

The following command creates a user, given an email or name. This will either return a response object or raise an error if the operation fails. The response body will contain a JSON document containing the user’s information, while the key_id is required for further operations on the user.

response = client.create_user(email, name)

List Users

You can list the users in the current Riak CS cluster, optionally filtering by the user’s status. The response body is an array of hashes representing each matching user.

users = client.list_users(:status => 'enabled')

Get User

With the user’s key_id (riakcs_access_key_id), get_user either returns a JSON document describing the user or raises and error if the user doesn’t exist.

user = client.get_user(key_id)
# {"key_secret"=>"XXX", "display_name"=>"dizzy", "email"=>"", "status"=>"enabled", "name"=>"Eric Redmond", "key_id"=>"YYY", "id"=>"ZZZ"}

Manage User

You can enable or disable users’ access with the following commands.


You can also revoke users’ current credentials and grant new credentials. The regrant_secret function returns a JSON document with the users’ refreshed credentials.


Usage Retrieval

Fetches information about Riak CS requests.


First, create a new instance of the Usage object.

usage =
  :riakcs_access_key_id     => RIAK_CS_ADMIN_KEY,
  :riakcs_secret_access_key => RIAK_CS_ADMIN_SECRET,
  :host                     => RIAK_CS_HOST,
  :port                     => RIAK_CS_PORT

The example below is targeted at

usage =
  :riakcs_access_key_id     => 'XXXPRQ_MVWUC7QZ5OBHF',
  :riakcs_secret_access_key => 'Hhti-b9YFBjYkFgFFq5PbrOs2pFgBIhu3LF6Aw==',
  :host                     => '',
  :port                     => 8080

Note: You may use regular (non-admin) credentials for usage retrieval if you are accessing your own usage.

Get usage

The get_usage method returns usage information for the requested_key_id. You can choose which type of usage you want via the :types attribute: :access or :storage (defaults to both). You may also specify a :start_time and an :end_time (this defaults to the previous 24-hour window). You’ll receive a response object, whose body is a nested set of hashes containing usage data broken down by type, and further by node.

response = client.get_usage(requested_key_id,
                 :types      => [:access, :storage],
                 :start_time => start_time,
                 :end_time   => end_time)

If user access is denied, it will return a Excon::Errors::Forbidden error.